Meet Young Jay Satin - World’s First (And Best) Social Media Satin Influencer
Young Jay Satin - So-Me Satin Influencer
Hiya, everyone. I'm Jay, a young, gay dude who loves shiny, soft satin and fashion in general. I also dig cooking sushi 🍣 (I'm good), writing stories 💻 (getting better) and I try to manage my crazy life with my friends and family (not always succeeding 🙈).
I’m a so-me satin influencer and my love for shiny satin menswear reflects my personality, I guess: I can be forward & flashy - but I'm also suuuper soft. I live in a suburb near a big city - and no, I don’t have a BF yet.
I do want to find someone someday (not that easy, apparently) - and I hope he'll love me for who I am.
So who am I? Well, dive into my shiny vids and let’s try to find out ❤️🤔.
Shout-out to my awesome friends at SATINGEAR.COM for featuring my vids - and for their insanely hot gear, which I loooove to wear as much as I can.
You’ll see 😈
XXX Young Jay Satin
Welcome To My Youtube Channel ❤️🏳️🌈🤓🙈
YJS Satin Fashion Mash-up #1
Vlog #1: A Big Day
Vlog #2: Good Night & A Special Someone
Fit Video_ Trying On Some Satin Jacket Outfits
My Louis Vuitton Silk Satin Pyjamas
Sleeping in Satin Sheets Wearing My Shiny Nylon Moncler Jacket
Moncler+Fragment Down Jacket & Acetate Satin Bomber
My pink satin PJ again - AND my new glasses!
Black Sleek Acetate Satin Bomber + Leather Jeans
My Pink Polyester Satin PJ Drives Me Crazy …
Vlog #3: Party night with Magnus - will this be the night?
Chinchilla Bomber & Acetate Satin Shirt
School, Walking Home & my Dolphins Jacket
My Drippy Silk Satin Vuitton Bomber Gets Me Hard …
About Young Jay Satin
Jay is not fake. He is what could be called repurposed reality 🤓 The videos on his channel are created using AI video, photo & sound manipulation software. Though the character in the videos is fictional, he is generated from the physicality and mind/memories of a real person, namely Jay, the founder of SATINGEAR.COM. The events described in the videos are based on Jay’s own early youth experiences, likes, dislikes, loves and passions. The channel content is for entertainment and enlightenment purposes only. The Young Jay character is meant to be of legal age ❤️