Meet Young Jay Satin, our new so-me satin influencer 😘
Young Jay Satin
“I’ve always loved satin - I couldn’t imagine a life without its shine, softness and insane sexiness.”
If you want to follow Young Jay’s thoughts, fashions and exploits, you can do it right here on SATINGEAR.COM - look for the new tab in the navigation panel up top.
It should be a fun ride, though, admittedly, on the face of it it's a pretty nutty idea and I am a bit freaked out at how real it all looks and sounds. It's insane, to be honest - imagine what is/will be possible and what it will effect on our world. Because here’s the shocking reveal: In these videos, by way of AI technology (the iOS FaceApp), I de-age and take myself back to when I was a young satin boy and my love for satin, softness and shine started. It's amazing how it's lasted all these years and only grown in strength.
How I wish I knew back then what I know now: Be free. Be who you are. Love and explore your passions. It's okay. There are so many other boys and men who love what you love - and who will love you in your sexy, erotic satin.
I guess in this day and age Young Jay Satin is cutting the edge of what's coming and what actually already is. I'm not sure if that's good or bad and I make a concerted effort to be transparent about the fictionality of the character - though he IS a physically mind-blowingly accurate version of me and does talk about my experiences growing up or fictionalized versions thereof.
It feels both nice, wholly strange and, well, a bit disconcerting to be able to recreate and revisit one's youthful self and experiences in this manner - but it's been an interesting process so far. I'm a writer (apart from a satin couturier) and as such I'm used to create engaging, moving, funny, sexy characters on paper, which are then subsequently embodied by actors. This feels very different somehow. Much more intimate and personal. Maybe because it's so much about me - and I'm also the actor.
We'll see how far Young Jay goes. I may give it a rest if it all becomes a bit too weird, hehe. I've had moments of it but's also been magical, sexy and fun. A real throwback to both wonderful and painful times. It’s good to reflect - and Young Jay does that with me in the videos.
I really like this kid ... even though that might sound a bit self-centered. As Young Jay states in his channel description: I’m not fake - I’m reality Repurposed 🤓