This recently went out as an email to the SATINGEAR.COM subscribers. Be sure to join our mailing list so you don’t miss out.
Hey sexy, shiny people 😉
Are you ready for showing off your shiny satin gear in the Spring sunlight and the warm Summer rays? And do you need some new gear to flash this season?
Now is the time to order at SATINGEAR.COM so you get it in time for the beautiful months ahead! And everything is discounted for a limited time - this could be your time to shine!
Remember, at SATINGEAR.COM anything you want is possible. You only have to ask. For inspiration be sure to check out new new A.I. section of the site - it’ super sexy and shiny!
Also, to get you in a satin spring/summer mood below is a little satin postcard story, I think you might enjoy 😉.
The Shop Is More ‘Stocked’ Than Ever
The Shop on she SATINGEAR.COM website is now fully up and running. In the Shop you can read all about the different clothing - and you can make an immediate purchase if you’re reasonably sure about what you’d like.
The different product categories in the custom part of the shop contain the information you need - and as soon as you’ve made a purchase, I will contact you, talk the design and fabric details through with you, get your measurements - and then proceed to make your shiny, sexy garments.
Of course, you can also contact me ahead of your purchase and work out all the details, if that’s what you prefer.
Check out all the new stuff - and let me know if there anything shiny I can do for you 😊
Have a great spring/summer!
Shine on,